Marine geodesy — Main page
Our work is always the dialog with nature force: we listen, hear and understand her.
We carry out all types of marine surveys for safety of navigation, offshore construction and subsea infrastructure inspection. Also we develop, supply and implement integrated solutions and technologies for marine surveys and dredging.
Clients appreciate us for prompt and quality solution of their tasks.
Our projects
Recent key projects of Marine Geodesy Group
Проект «Арктический ВОЛС»
Kara Sea
Геодезическое сопровождение дноуглубительных работ
Baltic sea
Precise positioning and bathymetric survey
Works were performed for Client to support their construction and service activities.
Caspian sea
Инструментальное обследование акватории на предмет обнаружения ВОП и ОТП
Pechora sea
Установка системы контроля дноуглубления на ФЗС "Зефир"
Inland water ways
MBES Systems Installation and Commissioning Complex Services
Inland water ways
Hydrographic works for Electronic Navigation Chart renewal
Inland water ways
Dredging process automatization for Seaford Hopper Dredger
Black sea
Pre-lay survey «Submarine FOCL Petropavlovsk – Kamchatsky – Anadyr»
Pacific ocean
Hydrographic and geodetic survey at Battery bay, Baltic sea
Baltic sea
Bathymetric surveys object
Under an agreement with FSUE "Rosmorport", work was performed on the supply of equipment and software, installation and commissioning of equipment, and there is also a hidden text in the preview of the card
Sea of Okhotsk
NW Submarine FOC project
Baltic sea
Construction survey support onshore and offshore for "Nord Stream -2" Project
Baltic sea
Engineering and geological surveys along the cable laying route across the Yenisei River 4
Under an agreement with FSUE "Rosmorport", work was performed on the supply of equipment and software, installation and commissioning of equipment, and there is also a hidden text in the preview of the card
Inland water ways
Гидрографические работы на акватории терминала СПГ и СГК "Утренний"
Kara Sea
Инженерные изыскания в Арабской Республике Египет
Жара 2017-2019
Mediterranean Sea
Строительство ПВОЛП Южно-Сахалинск - Курильск- Южно-Курильск - Крабозаводское. Подводная часть
Морские инженерные изыскания с использованием АНПА
Sea of Okhotsk
Внешнее обследование подводного участка трубопровода на акватории морского терминала «Ворота Арктики» в районе села мыс Каменный
Kara Sea
Установка системы контроля дноуглубления на плавэкскаватор Фарватер
Japan sea
Выполнение работ по определению параметров подводной части айсбергов многолучевым эхолотом
Kara Sea
Engineering and geological surveys along the cable laying route across the Yenisei River 4
Under an agreement with FSUE "Rosmorport", work was performed on the supply of equipment and software, installation and commissioning of equipment, and there is also a hidden text in the preview of the card
Baltic sea
Подводно-техническое обследование гидротехнических сооружений "Мамаканской ГЭС"
Inland water ways
Площадное гидроакустическое обследование гидротехнических сооружений "Чебоксарской ГЭС"
Inland water ways
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Moments of expeditions
the Kuril Islands, Sea of Okhotsk